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Getting Started

This section presents a first look at an example of a model defined using CSDL. The example shown in this section only shows some basic features of CSDL, and we will only be discussing them at a high level in this section. Later, we'll go over the basic features in more detail, including defining and solving optimization problems, as well as more advanced features.

The Compilation Process#

CSDL simulations are written, compiled, and run within a Python script. The code snippet below shows the definition, compilation, and execution of a basic simulation built using CSDL. We will discuss and build upon this example throughout this section. The complete example appears at the end of this section.

from csdl import Modelimport csdl
class Example(Model):    def define(self):        # model specification (not blank)        # ...
from csdl_om import Simulator
sim = Simulator(Example())[...])print(sim[...])print(sim[...])

First, this script defines a class, Example, which inherits from Model, which is part of the csdl package. Second, an object sim of class Simulator is constructed from an instance of Example. Third, is executed, and the script prints the result.

Before looking at the definition of Example or the usage of either Example or Simulator, it is important to understand the role that these two classes play in this example, and the role that Model and Simulator play in all programs written in CSDL.

The Example class is a user defined class, where the user supplies a mathematical specification of the model we are interested in simulating. The Example class is not capable of running a full simulation or computing derivatives for use in solving an optimiztion problem -- it is simply a description of the physical system. To run a simulation, we need to construct an executable object that performs the simulation.

As stated in the Installation Instructions, we need a separate package to provide the Simulator class, which contains the compiler back end. The reason for this is that the CSDL compiler is a three stage compiler. Three stage compilers are split between a front end, which generates an intermediate representation of the code, a middle end, which performs implementation-independent optimizations on the generated intermediate representation, and a back end, which generates executable code. The csdl package implements the front end and middle end in the Model class, while a separate package implements the back end in the Simulator class. This creates a clean separation between model specification and simulation implementation. This separation is central to creating a language where users can operate at the highest level of abstraction possible.

  • compiler framework figure

Although Python is an interpreted language, and CSDL code is written in Python, CSDL is a compiled language. The two separate commands to initiate the compilation process and run the resulting executable object merely takes place within Python, but the Simulator class is not required to be implemented in any language in particular.

Now, let's look at how to specify models in CSDL.

Model Specification#

To specify a model, create a new class that inherits from Model. The Model class is the base class for all classes where a mathematical model of a system is specified. The Model.define method is where the mathematical model is specified. This is where most CSDL code is written, except for some advanced use cases that we'll cover later.

class Example(Model):    def define(self):        p = self.declare_variable('p', shape=(2,))        x = p[0]        y = p[1]
        distance = (x**2 + y**2)**(1/2)
        self.register_output('distance', distance)

Here we declare a variable named 'p' with shape (2,). The name 'p' is the CSDL name of the variable. This name is the name used to access data within the generated executable object contained in sim. CSDL has no knowledge of Python names, so variables must be given a name as a string so that the resulting run time values may be accessed later. Then we create two new variables, x and y from p. These variables do not have a name in CSDL. They will not be accessible via the Simulator API.

Next, we compute a distance, distance, using the normal mathematical operations available in Python (aka special methods). This variable does not have a name until we register it as an output using Model.register_output.


We could also compute the distance using distance = csdl.norm(p).


When using Python special methods, CSDL variables behave mostly like NumPy arrays, except that CSDL variables are immutable and do not support broadcasting.

Sometimes it is desireable to store values from multiple variables in one variable. For this we use the Model.create_output method:

class Example(Model):    def define(self):        p = self.declare_variable('p', shape=(2,))        x = p[0]        y = p[1]
        distance = (x**2 + y**2)**(1/2)
        self.register_output('distance', distance)
        q = self.create_output('q', shape=(3,))        q[:2] = p        q[-1] = distance

Here, q is named 'q', and its value is defined after q is constructed. In this case, q stores p (the position vector in xโˆ’yx-y coordinates) and distance.


Variable objects created using Model methods do not store run time values, as the Model class cannot run a full simulation. Instead, variable objects store a history of operations. This history is the intermediate representation that Model constructs at compile time.


Only variables created using Model.create_output can use indexed assignment. The indices from multiple assignments must not overlap.

Simulation Implementation#

To construct a simulation implementation from the mathematical specification defined in Example, we need to construct an object of the Simulator class, which comes from a package separate from csdl; in this case, csdl_om. The Simulator class constructor always requires an instance of the Model class or any of its subclasses, so we provide it with an instance of Example.

Once an object of the Simulator class is constructed (in this example, sim), the compilation process is complete, and we can run a simulation. The sim object can also compute derivatives automatically, so if an optimization problem is defined (shown later in this tutorial), an external optimizer can be connected to sim to solve the optimization problem.


The compilation process can be as simple as a single line of code within a Python script,

sim = Simulator(Example(...))

and running the compiled code is as easy as,

Because of the way the roles are split between Model and Simulator, creating an instance of a Model (or in this example, Example) class does not construct an object that can simulate the behavior of a physical system.

Making Models Generic#

So far, the Example class only defines a single model. Multiple instances of Example would result in a simulation that behaves the exact same way. We can make Example more generic by defining model parameters. To define model parameters, define a Model.initialize method.

class Example(Model):    def initialize(self):        self.parameters.declare('scale', types=float, default=1)        self.parameters.declare('in_name', types=str)        self.parameters.declare('out_name', types=str)

Model parameters are neither inputs to the model, nor are they computed by the model. Instead, model parameters make model definitions more generic. Note that defining an initialize method is entirely optional. In this case, users of Example are free to choose the name of an input variable and an output variable, as well as the value of some number called 'scale'. If the default option is not defined, then the parameter is required.

To use the parameters within the model definition,

class Example(Model):    def initialize(self):        self.parameters.declare('scale', types=float, default=1)        self.parameters.declare('in_name', types=str)        self.parameters.declare('out_name', types=str)
    def define(self):        scale = self.parameters['scale']        in_name = self.parameters['in_name']        out_name = self.parameters['out_name']
        # now we can use these parameters...

You'll notice that the parameters defined in the initialize method are accessed in the define method. The initialize method is always called before the define method, and all parameters declared in initialize are available by the time define is called. That is, you will always have access to parameters within the define method.

To change the definition of Example for only one instance of Example, pass the values of the parameters as named arguments to the constructor:

e1 = Example(in_name='a', out_name='b')e2 = Example(in_name='a', out_name='b', scale=10)e3 = Example(in_name='r', out_name='s')e4 = Example(in_name='s', out_name='r', scale=10)

The Complete Example#

Looking at the complete example, we see that the variables p and q now have CSDL names that are specified only when Example is instantiated. We also see that q[:2] is equal to the position, scaled by a factor scale.

from csdl import Modelimport csdl
class Example(Model):    def initialize(self):        self.parameters.declare('scale', types=float, default=1)        self.parameters.declare('in_name', types=str)        self.parameters.declare('out_name', types=str)
    def define(self):        scale = self.parameters['scale']        in_name = self.parameters['in_name']        out_name = self.parameters['out_name']
        p = self.declare_variable(in_name, shape=(2,))        x = p[0]        y = p[1]
        distance = (x**2 + y**2)**(1/2)
        self.register_output('distance', distance)
        q = self.create_output(out_name, shape=(3,))        q[:2] = scale*p        q[-1] = distance
from csdl_om import Simulator
in_name = 't'out_name = 'u'sim = Simulator(Example(in_name='t', out_name='u'))[in_name])print(sim['distance'])print(sim[out_name])


This is only a taste of what CSDL has to offer, but it should be enough to get you started building basic models that you could otherwise build in Python. In the next section, we'll cover the basic language concepts without relying so much on examples. Later, we'll dive deeper into the basics of CSDL, and move on to more advanced features.