General Example
This example uses almost all features.
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from ozone.api import NativeSystem
from scipy import sparse as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openmdao.api as om
from ozone.api import ODEProblem, NativeSystem
import csdl
import python_csdl_backend
import numpy as np
# ODE problem CLASS
class ODEProblemTest(ODEProblem):
def setup(self):
# Define field outputs, profile outputs, states, parameters, times
# Outputs. coefficients for field outputs must be defined as an upstream variable
self.add_field_output('field_output_z', state_name='z', coefficients_name='coefficients')
self.add_field_output('field_output_y', state_name='y', coefficients_name='coefficients')
# If dynamic == True, The parameter must have shape = (self.num_times, ... shape of parameter @ every timestep ...)
# The ODE function will use the parameter value at timestep 't': parameter@ODEfunction[shape_p] = fullparameter[t, shape_p]
self.add_parameter('a', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('b', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('g', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('e', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times, 2, 2))
# If dynamic != True, it is a static parameter. i.e, the parameter used in the ODE is constant through time.
# Therefore, the shape does not depend on the number of timesteps
# Inputs names correspond to respective upstream CSDL variables
self.add_state('y', 'dy_dt', initial_condition_name='y_0', output='y_integrated')
self.add_state('x', 'dx_dt', initial_condition_name='x_0')
self.add_state('z', 'dz_dt', initial_condition_name='z_0', shape=(2, 2), output='z_integrated')
# Define ODE and Profile Output systems (Either CSDL Model or Native System)
self.set_ode_system(ODESystemNative) # NATIVE comment one or the other
# self.set_ode_system(ODESystemCSDL) # CSDL comment one or the other
# Profile
# The CSDL Model containing the ODE integrator
class RunModel(csdl.Model):
def initialize(self):
def define(self):
num_times = self.parameters['num_timesteps']
h_stepsize = 0.05
# Create given inputs
# Coefficients for field output
self.create_input('coefficients', np.ones(num_times+1)/(num_times+1))
# Initial condition for state
self.create_input('y_0', 2.0)
self.create_input('x_0', 2.0)
self.create_input('z_0', np.array([[2.0, 1.0], [-1.0, -3.0]]))
# Create parameter for parameters a,b,g,d
a = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
e = np.zeros((num_times, 2, 2)) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
d = 0.5 # static parameter
for t in range(num_times):
a[t] = 1.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b[t] = 0.5 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g[t] = 2.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
e[t, :, :] = np.array([[0.3, 0.2], [0.1, -2.6]]) + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
# Add to csdl model which are fed into ODE Model
self.create_input('a', a)
self.create_input('b', b)
self.create_input('g', g)
self.create_input('d', d)
self.create_input('e', e)
# Timestep vector
h_vec = np.ones(num_times)*h_stepsize
self.create_input('h', h_vec)
# Create Model containing integrator
ODEProblem = ODEProblemTest('RK4', 'time-marching', num_times, display='default', visualization='none')
# ODEProblem = ODEProblemTest('RK4', 'time-marching checkpointing', num_times, display='default', visualization='none')
# ODEProblem = ODEProblemTest('RK4', 'solver-based', num_times, display='default', visualization='none')
self.add(ODEProblem.create_solver_model(), 'subgroup')
foy = self.declare_variable('field_output_y')
pox = self.declare_variable('profile_output_x', shape=(num_times+1, ))
poz = self.declare_variable('profile_output_z', shape=(num_times+1, ))
y_int = self.declare_variable('y_integrated', shape=(num_times+1, ))
z_int = self.declare_variable('z_integrated', shape=(num_times+1, 2, 2))
self.register_output('total', pox[-1]+poz[-1]+foy[0]+y_int[-1])
class ODESystemNative(NativeSystem):
# Setup sets up variables. similar to ExplicitComponnent in OpenMDAO
def setup(self):
# Need to have ODE shapes similar as first example
n = self.num_nodes
self.add_input('y', shape=n)
self.add_input('x', shape=n)
self.add_output('dy_dt', shape=n)
self.add_output('dx_dt', shape=n)
self.add_input('a', shape=n)
self.add_input('b', shape=n)
self.add_input('g', shape=n)
self.add_input('e', shape=(n, 2, 2))
self.add_input('z', shape=(n, 2, 2))
self.add_output('dz_dt', shape=(n, 2, 2))
self.declare_partial_properties('dy_dt', 'g', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dy_dt', 'd', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dy_dt', 'z', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dy_dt', 'e', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dx_dt', 'a', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dx_dt', 'b', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dx_dt', 'z', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dx_dt', 'e', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dx_dt', 'x', complex_step_directional=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'b', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'g', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'd', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'x', sparse=True)
self.dzx = sp.csc_matrix(np.kron(np.eye(n), np.array([[0.5], [0.5], [0.5], [0.5]])))
# self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'y', empty=True)
# self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'a', empty=True)
# self.declare_partial_properties('dz_dt', 'x', empty=True)
# compute the ODE function. similar to ExplicitComponnent in OpenMDAO
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
n = self.num_nodes
a = inputs['a']
b = inputs['b']
g = inputs['g']
d = inputs['d']
# Outputs
outputs['dy_dt'] = np.multiply(a, inputs['y']) - np.multiply(b, np.multiply(inputs['y'], inputs['x']))
outputs['dx_dt'] = np.multiply(g, np.multiply(inputs['y'], inputs['x'])) - d*inputs['x']
outputs['dz_dt'] = np.zeros((n, 2, 2))
# for key in inputs:
# print(key, inputs[key])
for i in range(n):
outputs['dz_dt'][i, :, :] = -inputs['z'][i, :, :]/3.0+(inputs['y'][i]**2)/2.0+(inputs['a'][i])*inputs['e'][i, :, :]+inputs['x'][i]/2.0
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
n = self.num_nodes
a = inputs['a']
b = inputs['b']
g = inputs['g']
d = inputs['d']
# The partials to compute.
partials['dy_dt']['y'] = np.diag(a - b*inputs['x'])
partials['dy_dt']['x'] = np.diag(- b*inputs['y'])
partials['dx_dt']['y'] = np.diag(g*inputs['x'])
# partials['dx_dt']['x'] = np.diag(g*inputs['y']-d)
partials['dy_dt']['a'] = np.diag(inputs['y'])
partials['dy_dt']['b'] = np.diag(-np.multiply(inputs['y'], inputs['x']))
partials['dx_dt']['d'] = np.array(-inputs['x'])
partials['dx_dt']['g'] = np.diag(np.multiply(inputs['y'], inputs['x']))
partials['dz_dt']['z'] = -np.eye(4*n)/3.0
list_block_y = []
list_block_a = []
list_block_e = []
for i in range(n):
list_block_y.append(np.array([[inputs['y'][i]], [inputs['y'][i]], [inputs['y'][i]], [inputs['y'][i]]]))
list_block_a.append(inputs['e'][i, :, :].reshape(4, 1))
partials['dz_dt']['y'] = block_diag(*list_block_y)
partials['dz_dt']['a'] = block_diag(*list_block_a)
partials['dz_dt']['e'] = block_diag(*list_block_e)
partials['dz_dt']['x'] = self.dzx
# partials['dz_dt']['x'] = np.kron(np.eye(n), np.array([[0.5], [0.5], [0.5], [0.5]]))
# print(partials['dz_dt']['y'])
# The structure of partials has the following for n = self.num_nodes = 4:
# d(dy_dt)/dy =
# [d(dy_dt1)/dy1 0 0 0 ]
# [0 d(dy_dt2)/dy2 0 0 ]
# [0 0 d(dy_dt2)/dy2 0 ]
# [0 0 0 d(dy_dt2)/dy2]
# Hence the diagonal
class ODESystemCSDL(csdl.Model):
# Setup sets up variables. similar to ExplicitComponnent in OpenMDAO
def initialize(self):
# Required every time for ODE systems or Profile Output systems
def define(self):
n = self.parameters['num_nodes']
y = self.declare_variable('y', shape=n)
x = self.declare_variable('x', shape=n)
a = self.declare_variable('a', shape=n)
b = self.declare_variable('b', shape=n)
g = self.declare_variable('g', shape=n)
d = self.declare_variable('d')
e = self.declare_variable('e', shape=(n, 2, 2))
z = self.declare_variable('z', shape=(n, 2, 2))
dy_dt = a*y - b*y*x
dx_dt = g*x*y-csdl.expand(d, n)*x
dz_dt = self.create_output('dz_dt', shape=(n, 2, 2))
for i in range(n):
temp_y = y[i]**2
temp_a = a[i]
temp_x = x[i]
dz_dt[i, :, :] = -z[i, :, :]/3.0+csdl.expand(temp_y, (1, 2, 2))/2.0 + csdl.expand(temp_a, (1, 2, 2))*e[i, :, :] + csdl.expand(temp_x, (1, 2, 2))/2.0
# self.register_output('dz_dt', dz_dt)
self.register_output('dy_dt', dy_dt)
self.register_output('dx_dt', dx_dt)
class POSystemNS(NativeSystem):
def setup(self):
# Need to have ODE shapes similar as first example
n = self.num_nodes
self.add_input('x', shape=n)
self.add_input('y', shape=n)
self.add_input('z', shape=(n, 2, 2))
self.add_output('profile_output_x', shape=(n))
self.add_output('profile_output_z', shape=(n))
c_z = np.arange(3, n*4+3, 4)
r_z = np.arange(0, n, 1)
v_z = np.ones(n)
rc_x = np.arange(0, n, 1)
v_x = np.ones(n)
self.declare_partial_properties('profile_output_z', 'z', rows=r_z, cols=c_z, vals=v_z)
self.declare_partial_properties('profile_output_z', 'x', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('profile_output_z', 'y', empty=True)
self.declare_partial_properties('profile_output_x', 'x', rows=rc_x, cols=rc_x, vals=v_x)
self.declare_partial_properties('profile_output_x', 'z', empty=True)
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
outputs['profile_output_z'] = inputs['z'][:, 1, 1].flatten()
outputs['profile_output_x'] = inputs['x'] + inputs['y']*inputs['y']
def compute_partials(self, inputs, partials):
partials['profile_output_x']['y'] = 2*np.diag(inputs['y'])
# Simulator Object:
nt = 30
sim = python_csdl_backend.Simulator(RunModel(num_timesteps=nt), mode='rev')
# sim.visualize_implementation()
# Checktotals
# sim.prob.check_totals(of=['total'], wrt=['x_0', 'a', 'h'], compact_print=True)