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Parameters and Coupling

We now introduce static parameters, dynamic parameters and multiple states.

The Problem​

Let's define a new ODE,

∂y∂t=a(t)∗y−b(t)∗y∗x,y0=2.0,\frac{\partial{y}}{\partial{t}} = a(t)*y - b(t)*y*x, \quad y_0 = 2.0,
∂x∂t=g(t)∗y−d∗x,x0=2.0.\frac{\partial{x}}{\partial{t}} = g(t)*y - d*x, \quad x_0 = 2.0.

We want to integrate it from t=0t = 0 to t=60t = 60 using 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK4).

Note that there are now two states (xx and yy). In general, ozone allows any number of states with any shape.

Four parameters are introduced: aa, bb, gg and dd. The first three, aa, bb, gg, are all varying in time, hence they are dynamic parameters. dd does not vary in time and is a static parameter. In general, ozone allows any number of static or dynamic parameter with any shape.

With the problem defined, let's see how to implement this in ozone:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openmdao.api as om
from ozone.api import ODEProblem
import csdl
import python_csdl_backend
import numpy as np

class ODESystemModel(csdl.Model):
def initialize(self):
# Required every time for ODE systems or Profile Output systems

def define(self):
# Input: state
n = self.parameters['num_nodes']

y = self.declare_variable('y', shape=n)
x = self.declare_variable('x', shape=n)

# Paramters are now inputs
a = self.declare_variable('a', shape=(n))
b = self.declare_variable('b', shape=(n))
g = self.declare_variable('g', shape=(n))
d = self.declare_variable('d')

# Predator Prey ODE:
dy_dt = a*y - b*y*x
dx_dt = g*x*y - csdl.expand(d, n)*x

# Register output
self.register_output('dy_dt', dy_dt)
self.register_output('dx_dt', dx_dt)

# ODE problem CLASS
class ODEProblemTest(ODEProblem):
def setup(self):
# If dynamic == True, The parameter must have shape = (self.num_times, ... shape of parameter @ every timestep ...)
# The ODE function will use the parameter value at timestep 't': parameter@ODEfunction[shape_p] = fullparameter[t, shape_p]
self.add_parameter('a', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('b', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('g', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
# If dynamic != True, it is a static parameter. i.e, the parameter used in the ODE is constant through time.
# Therefore, the shape does not depend on the number of timesteps

# Inputs names correspond to respective upstream CSDL variables
self.add_state('y', 'dy_dt', initial_condition_name='y_0', output='y_integrated')
self.add_state('x', 'dx_dt', initial_condition_name='x_0', output='x_integrated')

# Define ODE

# The CSDL Model containing the ODE integrator
class RunModel(csdl.Model):
def define(self):
num_times = 401

h_stepsize = 0.15

# Initial condition for state
y_0 = self.create_input('y_0', 2.0)
x_0 = self.create_input('x_0', 2.0)

# Create parameter for parameters a,b,g,d
a = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
d = 0.5 # static parameter
for t in range(num_times):
a[t] = 1.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b[t] = 0.5 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g[t] = 2.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep

# Add to csdl model which are fed into ODE Model
ai = self.create_input('a', a)
bi = self.create_input('b', b)
gi = self.create_input('g', g)
di = self.create_input('d', d)

# Timestep vector
h_vec = np.ones(num_times-1)*h_stepsize
h = self.create_input('h', h_vec)

# Create Model containing integrator
ODEProblem = ODEProblemTest('RK4', 'time-marching', num_times)

self.add(ODEProblem.create_solver_model(), 'subgroup')

# Simulator Object:
sim = python_csdl_backend.Simulator(RunModel(), mode='rev')


# Plot