Parameters and Coupling
We now introduce static parameters, dynamic parameters and multiple states.
The Problem​
Let's define a new ODE,
We want to integrate it from to using 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK4).
Note that there are now two states ( and ). In general, ozone
allows any number of states with any shape.
Four parameters are introduced: , , and . The first three, , , , are all varying in time, hence they are dynamic parameters.
does not vary in time and is a static parameter. In general, ozone
allows any number of static or dynamic parameter with any shape.
With the problem defined, let's see how to implement this in ozone
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openmdao.api as om
from ozone.api import ODEProblem
import csdl
import python_csdl_backend
import numpy as np
class ODESystemModel(csdl.Model):
def initialize(self):
# Required every time for ODE systems or Profile Output systems
def define(self):
# Input: state
n = self.parameters['num_nodes']
y = self.declare_variable('y', shape=n)
x = self.declare_variable('x', shape=n)
# Paramters are now inputs
a = self.declare_variable('a', shape=(n))
b = self.declare_variable('b', shape=(n))
g = self.declare_variable('g', shape=(n))
d = self.declare_variable('d')
# Predator Prey ODE:
dy_dt = a*y - b*y*x
dx_dt = g*x*y - csdl.expand(d, n)*x
# Register output
self.register_output('dy_dt', dy_dt)
self.register_output('dx_dt', dx_dt)
# ODE problem CLASS
class ODEProblemTest(ODEProblem):
def setup(self):
# If dynamic == True, The parameter must have shape = (self.num_times, ... shape of parameter @ every timestep ...)
# The ODE function will use the parameter value at timestep 't': parameter@ODEfunction[shape_p] = fullparameter[t, shape_p]
self.add_parameter('a', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('b', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
self.add_parameter('g', dynamic=True, shape=(self.num_times))
# If dynamic != True, it is a static parameter. i.e, the parameter used in the ODE is constant through time.
# Therefore, the shape does not depend on the number of timesteps
# Inputs names correspond to respective upstream CSDL variables
self.add_state('y', 'dy_dt', initial_condition_name='y_0', output='y_integrated')
self.add_state('x', 'dx_dt', initial_condition_name='x_0', output='x_integrated')
# Define ODE
# The CSDL Model containing the ODE integrator
class RunModel(csdl.Model):
def define(self):
num_times = 401
h_stepsize = 0.15
# Initial condition for state
y_0 = self.create_input('y_0', 2.0)
x_0 = self.create_input('x_0', 2.0)
# Create parameter for parameters a,b,g,d
a = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g = np.zeros((num_times, )) # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
d = 0.5 # static parameter
for t in range(num_times):
a[t] = 1.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
b[t] = 0.5 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
g[t] = 2.0 + t/num_times/5.0 # dynamic parameter defined at every timestep
# Add to csdl model which are fed into ODE Model
ai = self.create_input('a', a)
bi = self.create_input('b', b)
gi = self.create_input('g', g)
di = self.create_input('d', d)
# Timestep vector
h_vec = np.ones(num_times-1)*h_stepsize
h = self.create_input('h', h_vec)
# Create Model containing integrator
ODEProblem = ODEProblemTest('RK4', 'time-marching', num_times)
self.add(ODEProblem.create_solver_model(), 'subgroup')
# Simulator Object:
sim = python_csdl_backend.Simulator(RunModel(), mode='rev')
# Plot